Physik | Technik
Lucyna Wasowicz, 2004 | Altishofen, LU
In this study, I discuss the feasibility of a Dyson Sphere in our solar system. I evaluate the key points for its implementation, how they could be realized, and how they influence the Dyson Sphere and one another. Those key points contain the topics of the solar cells used, the geometrical structure and size, the power transfer to the Earth, and the engineering behind it. Through introducing and comparing the modern technologies in the thin film PV cell field, I conclude that CIGS (copper-indium-gallium-selenide) solar cells are the best-suited option. Such cells will be covered with a mirror of 99.99% reflectance to protect them from overheating. I carry out calculations to find a stabilized form of this megastructure. I settle on orbiting Dyson Rings with radii of 2.6 million kilometers on average. For the power transfer mechanism, I weigh up different WPT (wireless power transfer) methods, especially considering the differences between laser and maser far-field power beaming. Mainly due to the conversion efficiencies of microwave rectennas in comparison to PV cells, I decide on a maser WPT method. I furthermore discuss the geometrics and engineering behind the power transfer mechanism. The proposed solution consists of a net of paired antennae and rectennae leading the power output of the cells to the Earth’s surface.
If human civilization were to implement a Dyson Sphere in our solar system, what would be a realistic and optimal approach?
My arguments are supported by either detailed research or my calculation. Additionally, I provide multiple different solutions and discuss their advantages as well as their disadvantages. These include the choice of an optimal photovoltaic cell, the geometrical form of the Dyson Sphere, and the wireless power transfer method. I evaluate the possible solutions individually and then compare them with each other to find the most suitable one. Out of those analyses, I get results for each topic separately. These separate results are then combined, adjusted to each other, and summarized. They then form the final Dyson Sphere project plan.
The result of my interdisciplinary research is a feasible plan for Dyson Sphere featuring characteristics from multiple areas. Since I only use already or soon-to-be-introduced technologies, this makes a Dyson Sphere as described in my paper theoretically feasible in the close future.
My paper covers a very broad spectrum of Dyson Sphere’s characteristics researched with variable level of depth. Even the core parts rely on estimations and rounding to some extent. The reason for that is the limited time on one hand and the goal of this project on the other. I started the research with the aim to find both a qualitative approach to Dyson Sphere development and quantitative solutions in at least few areas of this project. In order to further develop this project, I would enhance it with additional comparands and extend with more precise chapters. My research investigates a lot of the properties and challenges in all individual areas and a lot of challenges at the connection of these areas.
This thesis could serve as a reference point for any deeper calculations and further investigations in the field of Dyson Sphere feasibility, providing a wide overview of implementation components and their relations among each other.
Würdigung durch den Experten
Dr. Manuel Meyer
Die Vorstellung einer Dyson Sphäre, einer Megakonstruktion, die unsere Sonne umgibt, klingt nach Science-Fiction. Jedoch könnte ebenso argumentiert werden, dass es eine logische Konsequenz des kontinuierlich wachsenden Energiebedarfs der Menschheit ist. In ihrer Arbeit sucht Lucyna nach Antworten, wie nach heutigem Stand verschiedener Technologien eine solche Konstruktion aussehen könnte. Wer sich jemals dem Nachthimmel zugewandt hat und nach den Sternen greifen wollte, weiss, wie unmöglich dies ist. Im Vergleich dazu scheinen unsere Sonne und das Nutzbarmachen ihrer Energie zum Greifen nah.
sehr gut
Sonderpreis der Schweizerischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft (SPG)
Kantonsschule Willisau
Lehrer: Jürg Broch