Mathematik  |  Informatik


Yasemine Sonja Schmid, 2004 | Horw, LU


This project delves into the fundamentals of the (Chia) blockchain, focusing on consensus algorithms, Chialisp, and NFTs. Yasemine Schmid documented her journey whilst aiming to code and deploy a coin and a non-fungible token (NFT) within the Chia Network, as well as a collection of NFTs with a possible real world use case. At the time of project start in October 2021, these would have been the first NFTs on the Chia Network.


The author set a goal to code and deploy a coin and a collection of non-fungible tokens (NFT) within the Chia Network, neither with prior coding experience, nor with knowledge about blockchain technology.


The project involved a comprehensive study of blockchain technology, consensus algorithms, and the Chia blockchain’s specific programming language, Chialisp. For this, the author resorted to the official Chia documentation and other online resources. The typesetting system LaTeX was used for the written comment.
The practical aspect included coding a coin, an NFT, and an NFT collection, and deploying them on the Chia blockchain. For the NFT collection, the images of the alpine ski racers were created using ChatGTP. Visual Studio Code and it’s online version Cloyvr were brought to play when coding.


The intermediate goal of coding and deploying a smart coin within the Chia blockchain was successfully achieved. At the moment of submission, the NFT collection of alpine ski racers had been partially successful. The smart contract had not yet been uploaded to the Chia Network, as the author encountered many unexpected difficulties, partly when setting up the environment. Significant insights into blockchain technology and the practical aspects of working within a blockchain network were obtained.


The project shows the author’s steep, but bumpy learning curve associated with blockchain technology and coding. It highlights the importance of practical experimentation alongside theoretical learning. Time management, fault tolerance and a scientific approach to such a project are the areas in which the author learned the most, but may still improve significantly.


Reflecting on the project, it’s clear that while not all objectives were fully met, the journey itself was rich with learning experiences and accomplishments. The difficulties encountered show the rapidly evolving nature of blockchain technology and the challenges of working at the forefront of digital innovation. Moving forward, there’s a wealth of potential for further continuation possibilities, such as implementing the NFT collection of ski racers on games of the International Ski Federation.



Würdigung durch den Experten

Dr. Daniel Tschudi

Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit möglichen Anwendungen einer Blockchain am Beispiel von digitalen Sammelkarten. Mit viel Ausdauer und grosser Selbständigkeit hat sich die Autorin das nötige Wissen über Blockchain und Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT) angeeignet. Für die praktische Umsetzung der Sammelkarten lernte sie von Grund auf das Programmieren in Lisp und erstellte die entsprechenden Smart Contracts. Auch wenn es in der Zwischenzeit schon andere Projekte mit ähnlicher Zielsetzung auf der gewählten und älteren Blockchains gibt, zeugt diese Arbeit von grosser Begeisterung für das Thema und einem hohen Reifegrad.


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Kantonsschule Schüpfheim
Lehrer: Timothy Camenzind